Peaceful Living
Peaceful Living

Peaceful Living

Daily Meditations for Living with Love, Healing, and Compassion


390 Pages, 5 x 7 1/2

Formats: Paperback, ebook: EPUB, Mobipocket, ebook: PDF

Paperback, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $26.95)

Publication Date: October 2005

ISBN 9781892005199


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Mindful words and practical tools for creating peace in everyday life

Each of the 366 meditations in this gathering of wisdom is designed to move readers away from turmoil, strife, and divisiveness and lead them toward peace, resolution, and cooperation. This shift in consciousness is challenging, but with the words and ideas of this book, readers can assemble a collection of practical tools for peaceful living. The learned behaviors of hate and resentment and the cycles of revenge are broken down and replaced with the skills of nonviolent communication, including recognizing one's needs and values and making behavior choices in alignment with them. This collection presents new ways of viewing familiar situations and daily reminders of the value of living compassionately. Each meditation includes an inspirational quote and tips for integrating the message into the reader's life.

Author Biography

Mary Mackenzie, MA, is the co-founder of the NVC Academy, an online school for learning Nonviolent Communication; executive director of Peace Workshop, International, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting practical methods for living nonviolently; certified trainer of Nonviolent Communication for the Center for Nonviolent Communication and mediator. Mary brings extensive experience in creating and maintaining collaborative organizations and partnerships in the business world and within families, in finding a way forward that values all needs even in challenging decision making processes, and in balancing efficiency and authenticity in all interactions. She is a deeply spiritual person with a keen sense of humor, inner clarity, and insight. Mary’s guiding vision is to help people learn concrete, practical tools for living peacefully day-to-day. She believes that if each of us steps up to the plate to transform our own negative behaviors and thought patterns we can create world peace, one heart at a time. Her individual coaching sessions with people who want to fully integrate Nonviolent Communication into their daily lives, workshops, retreats, organizational development, group facilitation, public speaking engagements, and personal daily life reflect this passion. Mary lives in Long Beach, California, with her wife, Kimberly Fox.