What's Making You Angry?
What's Making You Angry?

What's Making You Angry?

10 Steps to Transforming Anger So Everyone Wins


Nonviolent Communication Guides


32 Pages, 5 3/8 x 8 3/8

Formats: Paperback, ebook: EPUB, Mobipocket, ebook: PDF

Paperback, $5.95 (US $5.95) (CA $7.95)

Publication Date: September 2004

ISBN 9781892005137


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A series of booklets that explain how to integrate the strategies of Nonviolent Communication into specific relationships and settings

The tenets of Nonviolent Communication are applied to a variety of settings, including the classroom and the home, in these booklets on how to resolve conflict peacefully. Illustrative exercises, sample stories, and role-playing activities offer the opportunity for self-evaluation, discovery, and application.

This step-by-step guide provides information on how to refocus attention when angry and create satisfying outcomes for everyone. If one can avoid moralistic judgments about the wrongness of the other person’s behavior, anger can become as a life-enriching emotion and a window into personal needs and values.

Author Biography

Shari Klein is a coordinator of the Center for Nonviolent Communcation in the Los Angeles area. She lives in Topanga, California. Neill Gibson conducts personal and business training seminars based on Nonviolent Communication. He lives in San Diego, California.